Fatigue is a feeling of debilitating tiredness and lack of energy. It is a symptom rather than a specific disease or disorder. It can severely impact a person’s quality of life and can become chronic in some cases.
Heidi has had years of experience helping people recover from fatigue and regain their energy and quality of life. Naturopathic treatment would involve targeting the contributing causes of the fatigue in each case. Factors that can contribute to the incidence of fatigue can include the following:
Nutritional causes
Nutritionally deficient diet
Anaemia (iron, folic acid and/or B12)
B-complex deficiencies
Nutrient malabsorption
Metabolic causes
Sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnoea and restless leg syndrome
Chronic pain
Inflammatory bowel disorders such as Coeliac disease, Chron's Disease
Parkinson's Disease
Cardiovascular disease
Psychological causes
Hormonal causes
Fatigued adrenal glands
Addisons Disease
Clinical or sub-clinical hypothyroidism
Hypoglycaemia, blood sugar dysregulation and/ or diabetes
Immunological causes
Recent respiratory or gastrointestinal infection-particularly viral infections such
as glandular fever (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) -
Autoimmune disorders such as SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
Bowel toxicity and dysbiosis
Food intolerances
Environmental causes
Environmental contaminants
or pollutants -
Toxic disorders such as lead or
mercury poisoning -
Medications such as sleeping pills,
blood pressure medications and
anti- depressants -
Liver toxicity